


Selective solder setup innovations from Solderstar


Modern selective soldering machines are now available with complex nozzle configurations.

Additional soldering and pre-heat stages are available to process assembly soldering more efficiently. Prior to the 'Solderstar Multistage-Selective', complete machine analysis was only possible of each stage at a time.

Machines are commonplace with three or more individual soldering stages, this innovative new option is available for Solderstar SLX range of intelligent selective setup fixtures. The solution utilizes additional signals from the selective machine, combined with the multiple memory capability of the SLX dataloggers allows all selective stages to be captured with a single pass. As each selective stage is completed, a signal is sent to the Solderstar unit which automates the storage of data and prepares automatically for capture of the next stage, a huge time saver.

All parameters are recorded electronically including, temperature profile , nozzle fountain height , X/Y speed, contact time and electronic flux positioning at four points. This new feature can be retro-fitted to existing fixtures which utilize a SLX datalogger unit and can be integrated with most mini-wave selective soldering machines.

The new SLX range of fixtures automatically configure for the data-capture, allowing error free process information to be gathered every time without the need for test setup, mobile computers or phones.

See the Multi-Stage Selective unit at Apex 2023 - Booth 2010